Establishing a Domain
Every domain name is unique and has to be registered with a registrar service. The list of domain registrars is diverse and there are many different solutions for your needs. Several of these services can also host your website, but not all of them.
Domain Registrars: Buy, sell, and register domain names.
Hosting Providers: Host website files, and help manage resources for website clients.
What are domain name extensions?
The domain extensions such as .com, .net, .org, and many more have meaning and purpose. Unless you have a specific reason, .com or .net should remain your default.
- Decide on a Domain Name
- Verify the domain names availability
- Purchase the domain name (yearly renewal)
Hosting a Website
Web hosting allows you to run your website by managing the website files and server space required to allow multiple users to visit your website at the same time. Hosting providers usually provide the following:
- Hard Drive Space
- Bandwidth
- Domain email service
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP) access
- Website statistics and analytics
- Database options
- PHP code processing
Popular WordPress Hosting Providers
- Bluehost
- GoDaddy
- HostGator
- WP Engine
Dealing with Disk Space and Bandwidth
Disk Space: hard drive space to store files and data for the website. You will have a limited amount of space for your files and the more your website grows, the more space you will need.
Note: the more visitors and traffic your website has, the more bandwidth you will require.
Bandwidth “pipe”: this refers to the amount of data that is carried from point A to point B within a period of time. (usually measured in increments of a few seconds.) Like pumping water through pipes, the more water you need, the longer it takes or the larger pipe you need.
Note: websites that manage large files such as video, audio, hd images, benefit from more disk space. Make sure you choose a hosting service that matches your intended uses and needs.
Understanding FPT
FPT: Move files from your computer to the server and vice versa
Uploading: transfer from the computer to the server
Downloading: transfer from the server to the computer
FTP also allows for you to do:
- View files
- View date modified
- View file size
- Edit files
- Change permissions for files access
SFTP: Secret File Transfer Protocol adds a layer of security to the FTP process.
Login to WordPress Admin

What’s Next?
Setup your website host
Register your domain name
Install WordPress and Login as an Admin